Happy holidays everyone!
Here's wrapping up one year, crazy in a good way - and looking forward to more of the same!
la Rampe, Echirolles - stealing a moment from the tech run of Focus at the Reconnaissances competition. |
To bridge the old and the new year, I'll be performing my new solo, in Solo!
s@ expands on an exploration that I begun with that big old chain of bells in
I watched the flowers - the same one featured in Zaobao. It will be shown at the Srawung Seni Candi festival on 31 December and 1 January.
Focus in Vientiane, FMK 2012. Photo by Morning Song Production. |
Focus with KHAM Cie continues to tour in France - we will be near Toulouse, and in Lyon and Paris in March-April, and on summer tour (venues tbc) in July.
All is Divine at the Singapore Arts Festival 2012. Photo by Anna Ardelius. I'm the strange spiky thing on the left. |
All is Divine by Charlotte Engelkes began with a workshop at the Singapore Arts Festival this year and is going to be expanded as part of her
Very Ring trilogy! Rehearsals begin in April and we will premiere at the Dansens Hus in Stockholm in September.
I'm also looking forward to my new collaboration
Do gorillas peel bananas? with David Lim (Singapore and KL production dates and venues tbc). and the next editions of the Kuala Lumpur Contact Improvisation Festival and the Fang Mae Khong Festival.
I hope that you're all well. Best wishes!